We provide independent lending advice in the best interest of the advisor — examining both conventional and SBA loan options and strategies. If we can help, and you want to proceed, we’ll navigate everything to closing and provide ongoing post-closing support.
AdvisorLoans pioneered the “loan advisor to the financial advisor” model nearly a decade ago, has since closed hundreds of millions of dollars of advisor loans, and is the industry’s leading independent loan advisory firm to investment advisors and firms.
We save advisors critical time, effort, stress, and occassionaly the acquisition deal itself. Most of our services are completely free (or mostly free) while still providing our advisor clients with the same or better rates and deals compared to dealing with the lender directly and doing everything themselves.

AdvisorLoans is all about providing advisors an easier, smarter, less stressful lending experience. We provide independent lending advice we think is in the best interest of the advisor, examining conventional and SBA loan options and strategies. If we can help and you want to proceed, we’ll navigate everything to closing and provide ongoing post-closing support.

We provide independent lending advice we think is in the best interest of the independent advisors we serve. Our consulting is laid back, unbiased, and candid. We’ll give you an immediate sense of the viability of your loan request, discuss any workarounds or red flags, and try to make sure this loan is in alignment with any strategic or future financing you may be anticipating.
You may being doing this for the first time but this is all we do. We make everything easier and our involvement gives you more time to spend with your clients. We let you know what we need and run the process, overcome obstacles, herd cats and help put out fires that come up. We also can connect you with any of the vendors you may need and don’t already have lined up.
While many of the advisors we serve are the ones who have regulated fiduciary duties you’ll find that AdvisorLoans is focused on the best interests of the advisors we work with. Conventional or SBA or which lender is based on the advisor not the other way around.
We provide on-going support to advisors after the loan closes. We’re available to assist with questions about the annual covenants required, prepayments, help with any support issues with the bank, and of course future loans and loan refinancing.

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If you need an SBA loan, don’t go it alone,
when you can use AdvisorLoans, for free.